Earwax Removal

All Brighton and Hove Hearing audiologists are certified to perform Microwax Suction or Irrigation.  This procedure is performed in our clinic. Home Visits can be arranged for a separate charge.

If you wish to book an Earwax Removal appointment or have any questions please call one of our team on
1273 272683 or if you prefer message us below.


Why might you need Earwax Removal?

Earwax (or cerumen) is a natural and beneficial oil that the ear canal produces to protect and lubricate the skin removing any foreign substances from the ear canal. Whilst this wax is healthy there are several factors that could cause earwax to become problematic. A predisposition to producing more wax than average or the shape and size of your ear canal can all lead to issues with your earwax. If the wax builds up and is left untreated it could become impacted. This may leave you suffering from the feeling of pressure, pain or even some hearing loss in your ear.

To alleviate this pain it is important to remove the wax safely.  If this is not done done correctly it could lead to further issues such as perforation of the eardrum. It is important to have your earwax removal performed by a qualified professional who can use a microscope to look inside your ear canal and ascertain what is causing the issue. Some blockages may not be caused by wax but  by objects in your ear, excessive ear hair, or could also be caused by the residue of an ear infection (Otitis Externa).

In certain cases Microwax Suction may not be the most suitable course of action. In a small number of cases we may need to use water irrigation as the best method to remove your wax. We would only use Water Irrigation if wax was attached to your eardrum.  If this is necessary this procedure would involve the use of a hand water pump to gently encourage the wax to be removed safely and without compromising the eardrum.

We also offer wax removal consultations for children aged 11 upwards with a parent or guardian in attendance.

The Microwax Suction Procedure

The Microwax Suction procedure is carried out in our clinic or from the comfort of your own home for a separate charge (check home visit availability by calling us on 01273 272683). Although Microwax Suction may be performed without the use of ear wax removal drops or sprays we recommend that you use a product like Earol (clinically treated olive oil) for a few days prior to the procedure. This makes the wax softer and easier to remove and the procedure more comfortable.

Before the procedure one of our audiologists will examine your ear using an otoscope, which magnifies inside the ear, to see inside the ear canal and assess what wax is there.

Microwax Suction consists of using a small probe, which is connected to a low pressure suction unit, to gently remove any blockage. This can take from one minute up to ten minutes per ear, on average, depending on how compacted the wax is. The procedure can cause some discomfort and be noisy due to the sound of the suction probe in your ear canal. If the wax is hard our audiologist performing the procedure will make you aware that you may experience some discomfort.

After the procedure please take care not to get any water in your ear for at least one day.

This procedure may be completed in one 20 minute appointment however it is sometimes necessary to have more than one appointment.

Microwax Suction Prices

The charge is £80 for a clinic appointment, regardless as to whether you require wax removal for one or both ears, or if no wax is present. If you have no blockage present then the appointment may still be used to discuss your symptoms and potential causes. This may include offering you a free Hearing Test.

For Microwax Suction Home Visits please contact us to check we cover your Post Code and for price details.

Please call us on 01273 272683 for Microwax Suction. 

At Brighton and Hove Hearing we have a team of dedicated audiologists who are members of the Health & Care Professions Council and The British Society Of Hearing Aid Audiologists (BSHAA).