Starkey Hearing Aids 

For information or availability on further Starkey Hearing Aids please call 01273 272683 or send us a message. 

Starkey Livio


£2,695 per pair
£1,395 per aid


Starkey Livio

The first Hearing Aid to use Aritifial Intelligence to act as a health tracker as well as provide hearing support. The Starkey AI can keep a track of your steps, heart rate, and even send a notification to selected contacts if it detects you have fallen. The ear can provide much more reliable data than a tracker worn on your wrist and Starkey take advantage of that. 


Starkey CROS 


For prices please call us on
01273 272683

Needs to be purchased with a single Hearing Aid to receive the transmitted sounds



Starkey’s Contralateral Routing Of Signal, or CROS, is for those who suffer from single sided deafness. The CROS system works by using a transmitter in the ear with loss to pick up the sounds from that side and sending them wirelessly to a receiver in your other ear. The BiCROS works similarly whilst also providing support for loss you may be suffering in the ear with the receiver.


The Starkey CROS works with their Livio range. Allowing you to experience the benefits of a Livio Hearing Aid alongside the receiver. 


Starkey Soundlens IQ i2400


£3,495 per pair
£1,895 per aid


Starkey Soundlens IQ i2400

The Soundlens IQ is the Invisible In Canal option from Starkey. The Hearing Aids are custom made to give the best fit inside your ear and the faceplate is available in a range of colours. This all leads to a very discrete, invisible style of Hearing Aid. 
With Bluetooth connectivity your Soundlens IQ can easily to connect to other devices. This means you can stream TV, phone calls, music and more direct to your Hearing Aids. 
The Soundlens IQ also promises to deliver clear sound and listening clarity as well as allowing you to go effortlessly through your day by giving you seamless transitions into new environments. 
The Soundlens is available in two lower performing options also; 


Soundlens IQ 2000
£2,995 per pair
£1,595 per aid

Soundlens IQ 1600
£2,395 per pair
£1,395 per aid

Accessories and Aftercare


Starkey Hearing Aids are compatible with a multitude of accessories to give you even more from your Hearing Aids. Some of the accessories you may benefit from include;

The Starkey TV adapter allows you to stream sound directly from your TV to your Hearing Aids.

Enjoy one-on-one conversations in louder environments with our small, easy-to-use Mini Remote Microphone.

Or with the Microphone+  you can explore even more with Amazon Alexa connectivity.

Remote includes updated features so you can control memory and volume, mute your hearing aids and turn other special features on and off.


Brighton and Hove Hearing provides free aftercare for the life of the Hearing Aids

The Starkey app allows for Remote Care.  This enables us to programme the Hearing Aid from anywhere in the world by way of a virtual appointment. 

You can make appointments to be seen in our clinics, or home visits can be arranged if required.

Purchases of replacement Batteries, Wax Guards, Domes and Sports Locks for your Hearing Aids are available from Brighton and Hove Hearing.

At Brighton and Hove Hearing we have a team of dedicated audiologists who are members of the Health & Care Professions Council and The British Society Of Hearing Aid Audiologists (BSHAA).